How to Care for Succulents - 7 Succulent Care Steps to Thriving Plants
Succulent plants are perfect for brightening your home; whether you are looking to improve your home décor or want to stand out among your gardening peers, succulents are just the best way to go.
These plants are not just popular for nothing; succulents are versatile and are easy to care for and maintain. Because they store water in their stems, they do not require much to survive. With basic knowledge of how to care for succulents, you could grow these little plants indoors or outdoors and let them thrive.
Here, we gathered a comprehensive list of how you can take care of succulents to keep them flourishing in your living space.
Seven Steps to Succulent Care
Succulent Care Step #1: Water the Soil.
Although succulents thrive in dry climates, like many other plants, they are not an exception to needing water to survive.
The following factors affect how often you should water your succulent plant:
The size of the succulent container: Large succulent containers need to be watered less because they hold more soil and retain moisture for longer. Smaller succulent containers must be watered frequently because the soil dries out quicker.
The succulent's sun exposure: Succulents more exposed to the sun need more frequent watering than those with less light. Outdoor succulents will tend to need more water than indoor succulents. Assuming the succulent is not getting much water from rain.
The season: Succulents' growth is most active during the spring and summer, so you need to water them frequently, like 2 to 3 times a week, depending on the temperature. During the winter, when their growth is dormant, you can water them once or twice in the entire season.
Succulents do best when they are not overwatered or underwatered. However, a succulent will thrive with less water than more. They are native to areas where there is little rainfall. The most common mistake succulent owners make is overwatering them.
The humidity: If you live in a low humidity area, you will need to water your succulents more frequently than in a high humidity area. If it is hot outside, succulent watering schedules can increase because the water evaporates quicker than in areas with cooler temperatures.
Are you wondering how to water? There's no wrong or right way to water your plant, but it is best to pour water on the soil directly until it is fully soaked, then wait until the soil is fully dry before you water again.
Remember to only water the soil in the succulent growing container when it is bone dry to avoid overwatering and killing your succulents. You can also check your plant for shriveled leaves to know if it needs water or not.
Succulent Care Step #2: Give your plant enough light.
Just like other plants, succulents also need light to survive. Your plant might die if you keep it in a room with no light. Light is essential when you learn how to care for succulents. Light is important when you learn how to care for succulents.
The amount of light the succulents require also depends on the type you grow. Some succulent plants like aloe and green ice hybrid can thrive in minimal natural light, while some like agave and cacti require more exposure to the sun. It is essential to note this before purchasing your plant, depending on where you live.
Succulent Care Step #3: Rotate the plant's container frequently.
To effectively care for your succulents, rotate the pot frequently. Rotating is essential because succulents tend to lean more towards the light, and this could happen when one side isn't getting enough sun as the other side, so for them to grow well and straight in their pots, you should rotate them so that all the sides can receive enough light.
Succulent Care Step #4: Use proper containers.
Succulents do not do well sitting in waterlogged soil, so plant your succulents in containers with small openings to avoid rot. If you want a succulent to survive, it is better to use containers with drainage holes. These containers encourage air circulation and ensure that water does not build up in the soil by allowing the excess water to escape through the holes.
You can also control the growth of your succulent depending on the size and shape of your container. It is essential to choose the perfect-sized containers that will give your plant enough room to grow better and healthier.
Finding the right size for your succulent can be challenging, so if you do not know the size of the container you need, you can seek help from an expert.
Succulent Care Step #5: Plant in the right soil mix.
Considering the type of soil to use is also essential when caring for a succulent. Though succulents do not require fertilization to grow, you should plant them in porous well-draining soil. However, succulents do better with fertilization.
Another option is to mix sand, pumice, or perlite with the succulent's soil if it's retaining too much water; this will improve air circulation and drainage.
Succulent Care Step #6: Inspect your plant for pests.
You may be thinking that since you are growing your succulent indoors, you do not have to worry about pests. However, that isn't the case.
Whether growing your succulents outdoors or indoors, you should constantly look for pests. Pests like gnats, mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites can infest your beloved succulent plant, so if you notice a sign of infestation, you should follow the necessary care steps to get rid of the bugs.
First, remove the infected plant from the rest, then spray the soil and any pest you see with 70 percent isopropyl alcohol mixed with water. Some pests require different treatments, so if it doesn't work, you could research and treat your plant according to the pest that has infested it.
Succulent Care Step #7: Clean the leaves of your plant.
One succulent care tip many do not think of is cleaning the leaves. You may notice specks of dust and dirt building up on your succulent plant's leaves, which can be annoying as it might discolor your plant. You can clean the leaves by wiping them gently with a damp cloth.
Excessive dust can stunt your plant's growth, so better dust it off. Wiping off the dust will result in a better-looking and vibrant-colored succulent plant.
To effectively care for succulents, you need to water them, give them enough light, rotate them frequently, use the proper containers, use suitable soil, inspect them for bugs and clean them.
We hope that with the info we have provided, you have gained enough information to learn how to care for your succulents. At Succulents Club, we seek to answer all your succulent questions.