Outdoor Succulents: Watering, Light, Fertilizing, and Pruning Outdoor Succulents
Outdoor succulents are a great way to bring a bit of nature into your garden or outdoor space. Not only are they beautiful and colorful, but they require very little maintenance and can be incredibly hardy when acclimated to the proper environment. With a few simple tips and tricks about how to care for them, you’ll be able to enjoy their beauty for many years to come!

Light for Outdoor Succulents:
When deciding where to place your outdoor succulents it’s important that they receive at least 6 hours of sunlight per day - unless you are planting in an area that experiences scorching heat throughout the summer then avoid afternoon sun as this can cause their leaves to burn easily in hot temperatures. For most types of succulents, indirect light is often best instead direct sunlight which could cause stress or even death if not monitored.
Watering for Outdoor Succulents:
It is also important to understand how much and when to water your plants correctly. During the spring and summer months, most varieties need watering once every 7-10 days with enough water that it seeps through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot (if applicable). In contrast, during cooler months you should wait until the soil has had time to dry out completely before adding more water. Additionally, make sure you use distilled or purified water as tap water can contain minerals which can build up over time and affect your plants adversely.
Fertilizing for Outdoor Succulents:
While fertilizing isn’t necessary for many varieties of succulent since they tend to grow very slowly, an occasional dose of mild liquid fertilizer during spring and summer months can help promote healthy growth and blooming (if appropriate). If using fertilizer make sure only do so following instructions carefully as some types such as cacti or desert varieties may not require additional fertilizers at all!
Pruning Outdoor Succulents:
Pruning can also help keep your plants looking its best by removing long stems and dead or diseased foliage from time-to-time throughout the year - particularly during active growing periods like spring/summertime - but be careful not to overdo it as this can cause more harm than good! Be sure only prune off healthy parts which won't damage new growth opportunities for your plant going forward.
Overall, with proper care and attention from its owner, a succulent can thrive indoors or outdoors all year round! With just a few tips on placement, watering frequency and maintenance you’ll be able enjoy their beauty for many years.