Overwatering Succulents: Learn When to Water & How Much to Water!

Are you asking the critical questions around when to water your succulent and how much water to give succulent? Then you are not alone! So many succulent owners struggle with knowing just how much water to give their little plants. One of the most common way to kill a succulent plant is to overwater it. At Succulents Club, we have put together tips to help you overcome your watering concerns to ensure your little plant stays healthy and happy.
Overwatering succulents can lead to root rot and other health problems that can be difficult to reverse. It’s essential to understand when, how often, and how much you should water your succulents in order to ensure optimal health.
When to Water Succulents:
The best time for watering most succulents is when the soil has had time to dry out completely. This usually happens about once per week during the spring and summer months and every 10-14 days during colder seasons. Additionally, it’s a good idea to check your plants before watering by feeling around the surface; if it feels wet, wait a few more days before watering again.
How Often to Water Succulents:
Overwatering can quickly occur if you water too frequently or with too much water at once. In general, ensure to only water deeply when necessary because shallow, frequent watering encourages the roots of your succulent to come nearer to the surface of the soil, making them more vulnerable to overwatering damage.
How Much Water to Give Succulents:
When it comes time for watering, give enough that it seeps through the drainage hole, as this will help prevent overwatering and allow any excess liquid in the soil to escape. If you don’t have access to rainwater, make sure you use distilled or purified water, as tap water can contain minerals that can build up over time and affect your plants adversely.
Inspect Succulent Plants Regularly:
Inspecting your plants regularly will help catch signs of overwatering, such as wilting leaves or brown spots on foliage, before they become serious problems. If you notice any signs of overwatering, then reduce both frequency and amount of water given until new growth appears again (but watch out for pests along the way). Additionally, removing dead or discolored foliage from time to time will help encourage new healthy growth as well so don’t be afraid to prune if needed - just be careful not to overdo it!
Although over-watering can cause significant plant damage and even death in some cases, understanding when, how often, and how much you should water your succulents should help ensure their optimal health with little risk of overwatering damage occurring. With proper care and attention from its owner, a succulent can thrive indoors or outdoors all year round!